Telephone Audio Guest Book
Not your average guest book!
This cool phone acts as a recording device for your guests to leave you a message on your big day. To hear the voice of your loved ones will always strike an emotional chord that you will want to re-live over and over.
I offer this phone as an add-on for my wedding video services, OR you can rent it on it’s own for any event! I provide it myself and bring it with me to your wedding or event. I also personally upload the messages and provide them to you within 24 hours. If you want some of these messages to be added to your wedding video, I can provide that as well.
The phone is always accompanied by the sign that is shown above in the photo.
$0 - Included with Package #1
$200 - as an add-on to your wedding videography package.
$300 - a la carte rental for your special occasion.